Monday, December 3, 2012

The Right To Kill What Hasn't Yet Lived

I can hear it. Can you? I hear the whimpering. I can sense the anger. If I listen closely the wind, I can hear the whimpers of the murdered unborn. Do you remember the sprinkling of rain that fell this morning? Perhaps those very raindrops are tears from God falling for his creation that was slaughtered at the hands of its own kind. Why do you think you have the right to make such a decision? I won’t kill you because of my situation, and the way I feel, but as a nation we must stop this unconstitutional murdering of the unborn. As Americans, do we not all have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?” (Jefferson, 156). Abortion is an unconstitutional act and should not be legal in the United States of America.

When you have an abortion, you may think that you are making only one choice, to get rid of something that will cause you much pain and distraught, but the truth of the matter is that when you decided to have your fetus killed inside your sacred temple that is given to you by God, you are making many choices. You are making the choice to take away the laughter of a child who is playing with bubbles for the first time. You are taking away the quiet moments where you and your child would sit and watch the stars at night. You are stealing precious memories of experiencing childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and retirement. You are causing someone to go without the spouse they were destined for, and you are erasing the magical story of a wonderful person whom God had created. As Claire Culwell, an abortion survivor, says, “Abortion doesn’t just affect one person, it’s a domino effect.”   Not only are you taking away those memories, your choice is also taking away the choices of that unborn child.

Without even knowing it, you may also be making the choice to cause pain. Let’s look at the story of Claire Culwell. Her thirteen year old mother decided to have an abortion. It was successful, however she was still pregnant. She was actually carrying twins. Because the amniotic fluid (a substance that keeps the baby together and provides it with nutrients) was pierced, Claire was born weighing three pounds, having club feet and dislocated hips. She had to work past these struggles for years, trying to overcome the damage that was done to her. No, the cruelty you put on your child may not be intentional, but the choice you made is very much felt by the fetus. (Yes, at just 6 weeks, the baby has the God given ability to feel.) There are many forms of abortion. (Many of which are extremely painful to the child.) Some of these forms of murder include Intercardiac Injection which causes the baby to have a heart attack, something usually only experienced by a much older generation. Another form is the Saline Solution Method which injects a salted solution into the sac which causes the baby to die from dehydration, internal hemorrhaging, salt poisoning, and convulsions. It all sounds pretty cruel, but I guess it is easier to endure than you having to give birth, right? America has stood for the happiness of all people. ALL PEOPLE. This bringing forth of pain is not something that America was made to tolerate.

The decision to have an abortion not only causes pain to the unborn fetus, but can also have consequences on the person who made the decision to slay their own child. This horrendous procedure could cause your body to become infected because of retained placenta (which is an organ that takes care of the babies needs such as getting rid of waste and receiving nutrients and blood.) This infection can make you so sick that you need to be hospitalized. Abortion can also cause so much damage to your body that you end up needing a hysterectomy which would bring forth the situation of you never being able to conceive again. This choice also causes extreme emotional pain as well. In fact, some states require the mother wanting an abortion to see an ultrasound of her unborn child before letting a doctor kill it. Unless you are not able to feel any emotion, this is obviously going to cause you to feel remorse for the child you decided was not worth your time to take care of or even give up for adoption.

There can also be an emotional toll taken out on you when you learn, because of the abortion, that you cannot conceive again. This could cause your partner to no longer want to be with you, and for you to lose the respect of your friends and family. Yes. You are choosing to cause much pain by choosing death over life. If you look at this statement metaphorically from Henry David Thoreau, you can learn one of the best lessons in dealing with abortion. “That government is best which governs not at all.” (Thoreau, 412). Don’t make the decision to kill what hasn’t yet lived. It’s not your place.

Now, you must realize that having an abortion is taking away the rights of this child. Why not give them back? If we peacefully fight this law, you and your child will be making a better America, a better place for your child to live. That’s what we are protesting for is it not? Take a stand for life. Even if people don’t agree with you because you may be sixteen years old or the child was conceived of an evil act of rape, make the decision to let your baby live a life that is pleasing to God and that inspires others. As Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood….” (Emerson, 392).
Please answer these questions in the comments to help me in future writing! :)
1.  Thesis strong/clean?
2. Was my my thesis supported well? (body of paper)
3. Paper concluded well?
4. Strengths/weakneses as a writer?
5. Do you agree or disagree with my thesis? Why?
Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it! I can't wait to read your comments! Look below for my bibliography!
Works Cited
"The Fetal Life-Support System: Placenta, Umbilical Cord, & Amniotic Sac." Http:// American Pregnancy Association, July 2007. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>.
Linder, Douglas O. "Right to an Abortion?" Exploring Constitutional Conflicts. Douglas O. Linder, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>.
McMillan, Beverly. "Abortion Facts." Http:// Friends of the Unborn, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>.
Prentice Hall Literature. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2002. Print.
A Twin Lives Through an Abortion. Perf. Claire Culwell. Christian Broadcasting Network, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <>.





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